Dorina Pojani interviewed by Swedish Network for Feminist Urban Planning
News / Opinion

Dorina Pojani interviewed by Swedish Network for Feminist Urban Planning

The Swedish Network for Feminist Urban Planning was initiated for the purpose of developing the concept and making relevant research more easy to use for practitioners. NFUP newsletters typically include two interviews, one with an academic and one with a practitioner. Dr Pojani gave an interview on women’s safety in public space. Read the interview … Continue reading

New article by UQ|UP team in Journal of Urban Design on how how Middle Eastern women migrants in Australia perceive and experience public space
Research and Publications

New article by UQ|UP team in Journal of Urban Design on how how Middle Eastern women migrants in Australia perceive and experience public space

For Middle Eastern migrants to Australia, the process of acculturation is compounded by Islamophobia, which is on the rise, with many incidents occurring in public spaces and targeting women. Through in-depth interviews, this paper examines how women migrants from the Middle East, especially Muslim ones, are affected. The study finds that Middle Eastern women migrants … Continue reading

Public seminar: Responsive regulation of urban public spaces and their diverse social uses

Public seminar: Responsive regulation of urban public spaces and their diverse social uses

In the UK and elsewhere, crime, disorder and (in)security have become organizing objectives of urban governance with distinct implications for the manner in which public spaces are planned, designed and regulated. This presentation seeks to reframe debates about the regulation of public space, conceptualized as ‘mediated conviviality’. This perspective simultaneously decentres crime and (in)security as … Continue reading

New paper on the pedestrianization of city centres by Dorina Pojani published in Journal of Urban Design
News / Research and Publications

New paper on the pedestrianization of city centres by Dorina Pojani published in Journal of Urban Design

Abstract: Drawing on personal interviews with local planners, this paper examines barriers to the pedestrianization of city centres in two contrasting settings, one in a Global North city (Brisbane, Australia) and the other in a Global South city (Kathmandu, Nepal). These cases are illuminating because Brisbane already contains a popular three-block pedestrian mall in its … Continue reading