
Freshmen BRTP students first fieldtrip in Brisbane

About 100 students from our Introduction to Planning course, taught by Laurel Johnson, went on their first fieltrip around South Brisbane. They visited important local landmarks, including:

Common Ground Building, a social housing project which provides 146 units for a 50/50 mix of low-income and formerly homeless people and also offers support services on site.

Musgrave Park, a contested public open space area which is the subject of a native title claim and an important site for Aboriginal people.

Wheel of Brisbane and South Bank Parklands, a global ‘brand’ for the city and a cultural destination.

Elephant Sculpture at the Gallery of Modern Art, a bronze sculpture of the elephant and the water rat (kuril), which represents cultures coming together.

Kurilpa Bridge, an active transport bridge, which has been judged the world’s best transport project at the World Architectural Awards in Barcelona (2011).

UQ|UP staff and tutors accompanied the students on the tour and/or gave mini-presentations at each site.