
Confirmation seminar on metropolitan strategic planning by Jeffrey Humphreys

This research is focused on the intersection of four factors that critically influence the urban structure of the four large Australian metropolitan regions: population growth, the emerging geography of jobs, options for housing and transport infrastructure investment. How can these issues be meaningfully investigated? The research explores the utility of the Strategic Choice Approach in reducing uncertainty about how to approach this perennial planning problem: where people will live, where they will work and how they will get between, in future metropolitan Australia. It is expected that this research will demonstrate a novel but appropriate use of the SCA.

Title: Developing great Australian cities: an exploration of the strategic choice approach to researching very complex metropolitan strategic planning problems

When: Wedesday, December 2018 11:00am

Where: Room 320, Steele Building

Advisory Team

Hon A/Prof Glen Searle
Prof Neil Sipe
Dr John Abbott